Katie Wolf - DREU Experience
University of Minnesota -- Oregon State University
- Distributed Research Experience for Undergraduates - Summer 2009 -

Week 5

June 22rd - June 28th: Fixing Problems and Market Day

Week 4 < ----------------- > Week 6

Monday I figured out what exactly was happening that I couldn't figure out before, but I had no idea how to fix it. At our Tuesday meeting, Forrest told me some possibilities of where it could be going wrong and that if I couldn't figure it out in a couple days, I should try doing a sub window within the main window instead of a second window. That afternoon I solved my problem. It felt really good to be able to overcome it on my own and it made the suffering of staring at my code for two days worth it. I spent the rest of the week organizing the second window and adding new features so that it can display multiple tiles on the second window that are sorted by label, and some other little things.

WEEKEND: I spent the weekend just relaxing, reading, and watching Grey's Anatomy. Saturday morning I went downtown to a used bookstore and got some new books and went to the Saturday market. It was a really cool experience, as I have never really been to a market before. So, I bought some raspberries, beans, and peas, and sat down on the grass listening to some bluegrass band and reading my book. It was also really nice out, almost too nice, and I really burnt my legs bad in the sun.