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Cross-Layer Reliability (RelXLayer)

The Cross-layer Reliability (RelXLayer) visioning process will address the fact that we will no longer be able to reliably design or manufacture fault-free hardware systems. As the critical dimensions of devices, such as transistors and wires, used to implement computer systems shrink to only a few nanometers, rates of transient faults, permanent defects, and variation between devices on the same die are expected to increase to the point where today’s fault-tolerant approaches will no longer be practical. Instead, computer systems will need to adopt a model in which each layer in the abstraction hierarchy - applications, O/S, architecture, circuits - is prepared for the layer below to transmit bad data and in which all of the layers in the hierarchy cooperate to deliver correct operation in spite of faults, variations, and other effects. Exacerbating this challenge is the need to continually reduce net energy per operation while providing this protection.

RelXLayer will draw participants from the broader computer research community to nurture a vision for a multi-level approach to reliability, generating a clear picture of the challenges and opportunities offered in multi-level reliability approaches. To foster this community, the group will hold three workshops to engage researchers and practitioners aimed at addressing this abstraction hierarchy and initiating cross-layer discussions.

CCC Council liaison for this effort:

David Kaeli (Northeastern University)

Vision for this Workshop

Study Proposal (120 KB PDF)

Meeting Materials


Final Report

Final Report for CCC Cross-Layer Reliability Visioning Study
Technical Executive Summary

Core Working Group:

Sarita Adve (UIUC), Todd Austin (University of Michigan), Andrew “Bunnie” Huang (Chumby Industries, Inc.), Ravi Iyer (UIUC), Subhasish Mitra (Stanford University), Sani Nassif (IBM), John Savage (Brown University), David Walker (Princeton University), Gary Swift (Xilinx)