The Goal
Many undergraduates don't have a clear sense of what computer science research is all about. A common misconception is that it must be all about writing really big and complicated programs. The CCC would like to have a collection of short videos that provide undergraduates with some concrete examples of current research in computer science. A video can be as short as a 1 minute or as long as 5 minutes. The plan is to advertise these videos widely and to encourage instructors to show these videos in introductory CS courses.
Proposals Sought!
We're seeking proposals from you! The CCC solicits very short proposals (one page) describing the proposed video. For each accepted proposal, the CCC will award up to $1000 to cover expenses (e.g., time for graduate students to make the video). The videos will be showcased on a CCC website and advertised to CS students and faculty.
What makes for a good video?
A successful video should describe some area of research and results in a way that a student in an introductory computer science class can understand and find exciting. The video may be entirely a demonstration with text explanation and no voice-over or it can have people talking to the viewer. There is no one model that is favored.
Submit a short proposal today!
Please submit a short proposal (one page maximum) to Dr. Erwin Gianchandani.
Proposals will be funded in "real time" while funds permit.
Below are some different examples of videos, ranging in length and style.
- http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~aim/?p=video
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxZzDMQ7D4A
- http://www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2008/1202-where_in_the_world.htm
None of these are from this project, but they are intended to show a few different approaches that have been used in the past.
Other models are strongly encouraged. Humor is also appreciated!
Accepted Proposals
Exploring Photobios
Project Page: UW Graphics and Imaging Laboratory
About: Exploring Photobios presents an approach for automatically generating face animations from large photo collections of a person’s face. By optimizing the order in which photos are displayed and cross-dissolving between them, compelling animations are created.
Originally published on June 14, 2011
Seattle: Open Peer-to-Peer Computing
Project Page: Seattle - Open Peer-to-Peer Computing.
About: Seattle makes the power of cloud computing available to everyone. It is a new testbed platform that allows researchers to access computational resources on a wide variety of devices and machines provided by everyday users.
Originally published on August 1, 2011