Ed Lazowska
holds the Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. Dr. Lazowska received his A.B. from Brown University in 1972 and his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in 1977, when he joined the University of Washington faculty. His research and teaching concern the design, implementation, and analysis of high performance computing and communication systems, and, more recently, the techniques and technologies of data-intensive science. Dr. Lazowska is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. He recently co-chaired (with David E. Shaw) the Working Group of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology charged with reviewing the Federal Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program. He is the chair of the Computing Community Consortium. Complete bio
Susan Graham
is the Pehong Chen Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Emerita at the University of California, Berkeley. She received the A.B. in mathematics from Harvard University and the Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford University. Her research spans many aspects of programming language implementation, software tools, software development environments, and high-performance computing. Dr. Graham is a member the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Among her awards are the ACM SIGPLAN Career Programming Language Achievement Award (2000), the ACM Distinguished Service Award (2006), the Harvard Medal (2008), the IEEE von Neumann Medal (2009), the Berkeley Citation (2009), and the ACM/IEEE Ken Kennedy award (2011). She serves on the Harvard Corporation, the Board of Trustees of Cal Performances, and the Board of Overseers of the Curtis School of Music. Dr. Graham is the vice-Chair of the Computing Community Consortium.Complete bio
Liz Bradley
Liz Bradley received the S.B., S.M., and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983, 1986, and 1992, respectively, including a one-year leave of absence to compete in the 1988 Olympic Games. She has been with the Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder since January of 1993; she also holds appointments and affiliations with a variety of engineering departments. Her current research activities focus on nonlinear dynamics and chaos, as well as scientific computation and AI. She is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, and Sigma Xi, as well as the recipient of a National Young Investigator award, a Packard Fellowship, and the 1999 College of Engineering teaching award. Complete bio
Randal Bryant
Randal E. Bryant is Dean of the Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science. He has been on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon since 1984, starting as an Assistant Professor and progressing to his
current rank of University Professor of Computer Science. He also holds a courtesy appointment in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Dr. Bryant's research focuses on methods for formally verifying
digital hardware, and more recently some forms of software. His 1986
paper on symbolic Boolean manipulation using Ordered Binary Decision
Diagrams (BDDs) has the highest citation count of any publication in
the Citeseer database of computer science literature. In addition, he
has developed several techniques to verify circuits by symbolic
simulation, with levels of abstraction ranging from transistors to
very high-level representations. Complete bio
Deborah Crawford
Deborah Crawford is Vice Provost for Research at Drexel University. She received her Ph.D. in Information Systems Engineering from the University of Bradford and her B.Sc. (Hons) in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Glasgow, both in the United Kingdom. She joined Drexel in September 2010 after a seventeen-year career with the National Science Foundation. Deb has been active in the computing community for almost a decade. Her research contributions were in the areas of electronic and photonic nanostructures, vertical cavity surface emitting lasers, and high-speed photonic devices for high bandwidth communication applications. She published in these fields in former lives at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, AT&T Bell Labs (Holmdel) and the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Susan Davidson
Susan B. Davidson is the Weiss Professor and Chair of Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania. She received the B.A. degree in Mathematics from Cornell University in 1978, and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University in 1980 and 1982. Her research interests span databases, web-based systems, and scientific data management. Dr. Davidson was the founding co-director of the Penn Center for Bioinformatics from 1997-2003, and the founding co-director of the Greater Philadelphia Bioinformatics Alliance. She holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Genetics, is an ACM Fellow, received the Lenore Rowe Williams Award (2002), and was a Fulbright Scholar and recipient of a Hitachi Chair (2004). She also served as Deputy Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science from 2005-2007. Complete bio
Joseph Evans
Joseph B. Evans is the Deane E. Ackers Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at the University of Kansas (KU). He has served as Director of the Information & Telecommunication Technology Center and as Director of Research Information Technology at KU, and as a Program Director at the National Science Foundation. He has been a researcher at the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, Olivetti & Oracle Research Laboratory, USAF Rome Laboratories, and AT&T Bell Laboratories. He has co-founded several companies, including a network gaming company acquired by Microsoft in 2000 which formed the foundation for Xbox Live, and a defense-oriented venture acquired by General Dynamics in 2010 which developed TIGR, a tactical information system used worldwide by the US Army. His research interests include cognitive wireless networking, networked information systems architecture, and adaptive systems. He received the Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1989. Complete bio
Lance Fortnow
Lance Fortnow received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at MIT in 1989 under the supervision of Michael Sipser. After two stints at the University of Chicago (spending four years at the NEC Research Institute in-between), Fortnow started as a Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at Northwestern University in January of 2008. Fortnow also has a courtesy appointment at the Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences department at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management and an adjunct professorship at the Toyota Technological Institute - Chicago. Complete bio
Gregory Hager
Gregory D. Hager is a Professor and Chair of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University and the Deputy Director of the NSF Engineering Research Center for Computer Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology. His research interests include time-series analysis of image data, image-guided robotics, medical applications of image analysis and robotics, and human-computer interaction. He is the author of more than 220 peer-reviewed research articles and books in the area of robotics and computer vision. In 2006, he was elected a fellow of the IEEE for his contributions in Vision-Based Robotics. Complete Bio
Anita Jones
Professor Jones has served on the National Science Board, and chaired its Committee on Programs and Plans, which performs the Board's in depth evaluation of MREFC candidates. She is a member of the Defense Science Board and was the Director of Defense Research and Engineering. She, with NAE President Bill Wulf, formulated the notion of the Computer Science Grand Challenge Conferences as a community visioning exercise and chaired the first of the three conferences in this CRA and NSF sponsored series. Complete bio
Hank Korth
Henry F. Korth is Weiseman Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Lehigh University. He is director of the Systems, Experimentation, and Analysis Laboratory for Databases (SEAL DB). His publications include three books, one of which, Database Systems Concepts, is soon to be in its sixth edition; over 100 journal articles, conference publications and other technical papers; and twelve book chapters. Korth also holds eight patents. Before his arrival at Lehigh, Korth held positions of leadership with Lucent Technology's Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J. Complete bio
Eric Horvitz
Eric Horvitz is interested in principles of sensing, learning, and decision making under uncertainty. This includes human decision making and computational models of reflection and action. Beyond theoretical models, he pursues applications in several realms, including time-critical decision making, scientific exploration, information retrieval, and healthcare--with goals of understanding how computational models perform amidst real-world complexities, and of deploying valuable systems. Complete bio
Ran Libeskind-Hadas
Ran Libeskind-Hadas is a professor of computer computer science and department chair at Harvey Mudd College. His research interests are in the area of algorithms, optical networking, and computational biology. He also works in the development of innovative undergraduate curricula in computer science. Libeskind-Hadas received the A.B. in applied mathematics from Harvard University and the M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Complete bio
John Mitchell
John Mitchell is the Mary and Gordon Crary Family Professor in the Stanford Computer Science Department. His research focuses on web security, network
security, privacy, programming language analysis and design, formal methods, and applications of mathematical logic to computer science. Over the past thirty years, Mitchell has written over 175 research articles and produced three books. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computer Security, has served on the editorial board of eleven professional journals, and has served on the program committee of over 80 professional conferences. His past awards include a Director's Award from the U.S. Secret Service for his efforts in connection with the Electronic Crimes Task Force. Prof. Mitchell has managed research projects sponsored by AFOSR, DARPA, DHS, DHHS, NSF, ONR; he is the Stanford principal investigator for the TRUST NSF Science and Technology Center and Chief IT Scientist of the DHHS SHARPS project on healthcare IT security and privacy. Complete bio
Elizabeth Mynatt
is a professor of Interactive Computing and the executive director of Georgia Tech's Institute for People and Technology. The Institute for People and Technology (IPaT) serves as a catalyst for research activities that pursue transformations in healthcare, media, education, and humanitarian systems by integrating advances in human-centered design, system science and engineering, policy, and management. Dr. Mynatt is an internationally recognized expert in the areas of ubiquitous computing, personal health informatics, computer-supported collaborative work and human-computer interface design. Named Top Woman Innovator in Technology by Atlanta Woman Magazine in 2005, Dr. Mynatt has created new technologies that support the independence and quality of life of older adults "aging in place," that help people manage diabetes, and that increase creative collaboration in workplaces. Dr. Mynatt is a member of the ACM SIGCHI Academy, a Sloan and Kavli research fellow, and serves on Microsoft Research's Technical Advisory Board. She is also a member of the Computing Community Consortium, an NSF-sponsored effort to engage the computing research community in envisioning more audacious research challenges. Dr. Mynatt earned her Bachelor of Science summa cum laude in computer science from North Carolina State University and her Master of Science and Ph.D. in computer science from Georgia Tech. Complete bio
Margo Seltzer
Margo Seltzer is the Herchel Smith Professor of Computer Science and a Harvard College Professor in the Harvard's Schooll of Engineering and Applied Sciences. She received an A.B. degree in Applied Mathematics from Harvard/Radcliffe College in 1983 and a Ph. D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1992. She is the author of several widely-used software packages including database and transaction libraries and the 4.4BSD log-structured file system.
Complete bio
Shashi Shekhar
Shashi Shekhar is a McKnight Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. He was elected an AAAS Fellow as well as an IEEE Fellow and received the IEEE Technical Achievement Award for contributions to spatial databases, spatial data mining, and Geographic Information Sciences (GIS). He was also named a key difference-maker for the field of GIS by the most popular GIS textbook. His publications include 250+ refereed papers, a popular textbook on Spatial Databases and an authoritative Encyclopedia of GIS. Shashi is serving as a co-Editor-in-Chief of Geo-Informatica Journal (Springer), and a program co-chair for the Intl. Conference on Geographic Information Science (2012). He served on national academies committees (e.g., GEOINT Future Workforce (2011), Mapping Sciences (2004-2009) Priorities for GEOINT Research (2004-2005)), and the Board of Directors of University Consortium on GIS (2003-4). He also served as a general co-chair for the Intl. Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (2011), and a member of editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Eng. Shashi's research explores structure of very large geo-spatial computations. In 1990s, his research developed core technologies behind in-vehicle and web-based routing services, which transformed urban navigation. His recent results played a critical role in evacuation route planning for homeland security and received multiple recognitions including the CTS Partnership Award for significant impact on transportation. He also pioneered the research area of spatial data mining via pattern families (e.g. colocation, cascade), keynotes, survey papers and workshop organization. Complete bio
Fred Schneider
Fred Schneider is the Samuel B. Eckert Professor of Computer Science at Cornell and chief scientist of the NSF TRUST Science and Technology Center. He serves on the NIST Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board, the CRA board of directors, the CCC council, co-chairs Microsoft's Trustworthing Computing Academic Advisory Board, and several journal editorial boards. He is a fellow of ACM, AAAS, and IEEE, was named Professor-at-Large at Univ of Tromso (Norway), and received a D.Sci honoris causa from University of Newcastle.
Complete bio
Bob Sproull
Robert F. Sproull recently retired as Vice President and Director of Oracle Labs, an applied research group originated at Sun Microsystems. Since undergraduate days, he has been building hardware and software for computer graphics: clipping hardware, an early device-independent graphics package, page description languages, laser printing software, and window systems. He has also been involved in VLSI design, especially of asynchronous circuits and systems. Before joining Sun in 1990, he was a principal with Sutherland, Sproull & Associates, an associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a member of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. He is a coauthor with William Newman of the early text, "Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics." He is an author of the recently-published book "Logical Effort," which deals with designing fast CMOS circuits. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and has served on the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board and as a technology partner of Advanced Technology Ventures. Complete bio
Josep Torrellas
Josep Torrellas is the Director of the Center for Programmable Extreme-Scale Computing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a Professor of Computer Science and (by courtesy) Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is a Fellow of IEEE and ACM. He is a former Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Architecture, and a Willett Faculty Scholar at Illinois. He received a Ph.D. from Stanford University. He has made contributions to parallel computer architecture in the areas of shared-memory multiprocessor organizations, cache hierarchies and coherence protocols, thread-level speculation, and hardware and software reliability. He has graduated 27 PhD students, who are now leaders in academia and industry. He is currently engaged in research with Intel designing the Bulk Multicore architecture for programmability, and the Thrifty-Runnemede extreme-scale multiprocessor. He has lead the I-ACOMA multiprocessor project, and been involved in the DARPA-funded IBM-PERCS multiprocessor, and the Stanford DASH and Illinois Cedar machines. Complete bio
Andrew Bernat
Andrew Bernat was a founding member and chair of the Computer Science Department at the University of Texas at El Paso (spending 20 years there), NSF Program Director and is currently the Executive Director of the Computing Research Association, whose mission is to strengthen research and education in the computing fields, expand opportunities for women and minorities, and improve public and policymaker understanding of the importance of computing and computing research in our society. In recognition of "... his success in creating arguably the strongest computer science department at a minority-serving institution ...", the Computing Research Association honored him with the 1997 A. Nico Habermann Award. He has some 65 publications and (pre-CRA) over $5,000,000 in external funding.
Bios of CCC Staff
Ann Drobnis
Dr. Ann Drobnis is Director of the Computing Community Consortium. Most recently, she was an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow at the National Science Foundation working on education and workforce development issues for the CISE Directorate. Ann spent most of her time working on the CS10K Project, whose goal is to get academically rigorous computer science courses into 10,000 high schools by 2016. This is a much needed effort to create the research and workforce pipeline that our field so desperately needs. Prior to her time at NSF, she taught high school computer science and math at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. She has a passion for broadening participation in computing, as her doctoral research was focused on ways to bring more females into the field.
Kenneth Hines
Kenneth Hines is a Program Associate at the Computing Community Consortium. He earned his master’s degree in applied research from the University of Maryland at Baltimore County in 2009. Previously, he received a bachelor’s degree in 2008 from Morgan State University.
Previously, Kenneth was primarily responsible for data analysis on undergraduate and graduate computing students through the “Data Buddies” project with the Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W). He also analyzes Ph.D. and postdoctoral data using a wide range of data sources, including NSF’s Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR) and CRA’s annual Taulbee survey, which gives valuable information about the enrollment, employment and salaries of recent Ph.D.s and faculty in computing departments throughout North America. As part of this work, Kenneth recently contributed to a white paper documenting statistics associated with academic and industry hiring, as well as the relevant issues about postdoctoral positions in the context of multiple stakeholders.
Before working the Computing Research Association and the Computing Community Consortium, Kenneth worked on multiple projects with Johns Hopkins University and the American Academy of Pediatrics.khines [at] cra.org
Bios of the Past CCC Council Members
Greg Andrews
Greg Andrews is a Professor of Computer Science at The University of Arizona. His research is on programming languages and software systems for parallel and distributed computing. He has written three books on these topics and received two distinguished teaching awards from the College of Science at Arizona. He is currently Co-Principal Investigator of a large, NSF-funded project to build a cyberinfrastructure that enables solving grand challenge problems in the plant sciences. Professor Andrews was Head of Computer Science at Arizona from 1986-93 and 2006-08. From 2003-05 he was at NSF, where he was the initial Division Director of Computer and Network Systems. Professor Andrews was on the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association from 1991-98, and he was on the Council of the Computing Community Consortium from 2006-08. He is a Fellow of the ACM. Complete Bio
Bill Feiereisen
Dr. William (Bill) Feiereisen is currently, the Director of High Performance Computing at the DoD. Before holding this position he was the Division Leader of the Computer and Computational Sciences Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Prior to that Bill spent fifteen years at NASA Ames Research Center first as a computational scientist and later as the leader of the NASA Advanced Computing Facility (NAS). His background is turbulence modeling and the fluid mechanics and gas dynamics of hypersonic reentry flows. He has always had a great fascination for the computing machinery itself, explaining his interest in the confluence of computer and computational science for high performance computing.
Stephanie Forrest
Stephanie Forrest is Professor and Chairman of Computer Science at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and a Research Professor at the Santa Fe Institute. Professor Forrest received her Ph.D. in Computer and Communication Sciences from the University of Michigan. Before joining UNM she worked for Teknowledge Inc. and was a Director's Fellow at the Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Professor Forrest is an external faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute and serves on its science board. She also served as SFI's Interim Vice President 1999-2000. Complete Bio
Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson directs the Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute at the University of Utah where he is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and holds faculty appointments in the Departments of Physics and Bioengineering. His research interests are in the areas of scientific computing and scientific visualization. Dr. Johnson founded the SCI research group in 1992, which has since grown to become the SCI Institute employing over 145 faculty, staff and students. Professor Johnson serves on several international journal editorial boards, as well as on advisory boards to several national research centers. Professor Johnson has received several awards, including the the NSF Presidential Faculty Fellow (PFF) award from President Clinton in 1995 and the Governor's Medal for Science and Technology from Governor Michael Leavitt in 1999. He is a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Complete bio
M. Frans Kaashoek
M. Frans Kaashoek is a professor in MIT's EECS Department and a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He received his PhD from the Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) for his work on group communication in the Amoeba distributed operating system. His principal field of interest is designing and building computer systems. Some of the current projects that he is working on with students include exokernels, an extensible operating system architecture, and SFS, a secure, decentralized global file system. Complete bio
David Kaeli
Dr. Kaeli is the Director of the Northeastern University Computer Architecture Research Laboratory (NUCAR). He is the co-leader of the Northeastern University Institute for Information Assurance (IIA) . He is a Research Thrust Leader for the NSF Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (CenSSIS) . He is also a member of the Northeastern University Institute for Complex Scientific Software (ICSS) and an IEEE Fellow. Complete bio
Dick Karp
Member, NAS, NAE, American Philosophical Society; Founding Chair, Section 34 (Computer and Information Sciences) NAS; NSF Waterman Award Committee, NSF (1999-2001,chair 2001); Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, NRC (1976-80, 1992-95); Board of Governors, Weizmann Institute of Science (1987-); Board of Governors, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (1999-2001, chair 2001); External Advisory Board, DIMACS(1990-). Complete bio
John King
King is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for Information Systems, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), and the Academy of Management. He was editor-in-chief in 1993-98 of the INFORMS journal, Information Systems Research, has been co-editor-in-chief of Information Infrastructure and Policy since 1989 and is a member of several other editorial boards, including that for the Journal of Strategic Information Technology and the ACM Computing Surveys, for which he was associate editor from 1989-97. Complete bio
Peter Lee
Professor Lee has made numerous research contributions in the area of programming languages and systems for 25 years, in large part with NSF support, most recently through an ITR grant. He is a former Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, overseeing a dramatic increase, from 6% to 40%, in the number of women enrolling in its undergraduate computing programs. He has been a member of numerous government science advisory panels, including DARPA ISAT, DARPA IXO Senior Advisory Group, Army Science Board, and Defense Science Board. Complete bio
Andrew McCallum
Andrew McCallum is an Associate Professor at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He was previously Vice President of Research and Development at WhizBang Labs, a company that used machine learning for information extraction from the Web. In the late 1990's he was a Research Scientist and Coordinator at Justsystem Pittsburgh Research Center. He was a post-doctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University after receiving his PhD from the University of Rochester in 1995. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Machine Learning Research. For the past eight years, McCallum has been active in research on statistical machine learning applied to text, especially information extraction, document classification, finite state models, and semi-supervised learning. Complete bio
Robin Murphy
Robin Roberson Murphy received a B.M.E. in mechanical engineering, a M.S. and Ph.D in computer science (minor: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems) in 1980, 1989, and 1992, respectively, from Georgia Tech, where she was a Rockwell International Doctoral Fellow. She is currently the Raytheon Professor of Computer Science. From 1998 to 2008, she was a Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of South Florida with a joint appointment in Cognitive and Neural Sciences in the Department of Psychology. From 1992 to 1998, she was an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at the Colorado School of Mines. Complete bio
Karen Sutherland
Is a Professor of Computer Science at Augsburg University. Her primary research interest is in the area of computer vision with emphasis on computational models of biological vision systems and handling the errors which occur in visual localization. She is working on human localization techniques in virtual environments as compared to those used in real environments. She is also investigating behaviors for multiple robots navigating in destroyed environments such as those found during search and rescue operations. Complete bio
David Tennenhouse
David is a member of the ACM and a Fellow of the IEEE. He is currently a Director at Real Time Content, the Computing Research Association (CRA) and the International Computer Sciences Institute (ICSI). He is also an advisor to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering (CISE) Directorate; Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science; and the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at UC Berkeley. He has held academic appointments at MIT in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and in the Sloan School of Management. Complete bio
Dave Waltz
David L. Waltz has been Director of the Center for Computational Learning Systems (CCLS) at Columbia University since 2003. He was formerly President of the NEC Research Institute in Princeton, and from 1984-1993 was Director of Advanced Information Systems at Thinking Machines Corporation and Professor of Computer Science at Brandeis University. He had also been Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois for 11 years. Waltz served as president of AAAI (American Association for Artificial Intelligence) from 1997-1999, and is a Fellow of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and AAAI, a Senior Member of IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers), and former Chairman of ACM SIGART (Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence). He is currently on the Army Research Lab Technical Advisory Board and the Advisory Board of the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, and has served on recent external advisory boards for Rutgers University, Carnegie-Mellon University, Brown University, and EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne). He is on the Editorial Advisory Board for IEEE Intelligent Systems, and has served on the Computing Research Association Board, and NSF Computer Science Advisory Board. Complete bio