CRA makes an award, usually annually, to a person who has made an outstanding service contribution to the computing research community. This award recognizes service in the areas of government affairs, professional societies, publications or conferences, and leadership that has a major impact on computing research.
Principal Scientist at SRI International
The CRA Board of Directors has selected Peter G. Neumann, Principal Scientist at SRI International, for the Computing Research Association’s 2013 Distinguished Service Award. Neumann was selected in recognition of the outstanding contributions to advancing the field of computing that he has made during half of a century of service and dedication.
Neumann has led and driven the fields of computer-related risk and socially-responsible use of information technologies. These activities have also had an enormous impact on computing science research and remain at the forefront today. Neumann has been in SRI’s Computer Science Lab since September 1971. He continues to moderate the ACM Risks Forum, wasresponsible for CACM’s Inside Risks columns monthly from 1990 to 2007, and chairs both the ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy and the National Committee for Voting Integrity. He is a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, and AAAS, and is also an SRI Fellow.
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