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Computing Research News

October 2013     Vol. 25/No.9


CRA Bids Farewell to Melissa Norr

By Peter Harsha, CRA Director of Government Affairs

After seven years as CRA's Policy Analyst, Melissa Norr will be leaving CRA to begin a new career in library science. Melissa -- who worked closely with Peter Harsha, CRA's Director of Government Affairs, helping shape CRA's policy mission -- will be pursuing her passion for books with a position with the DC Public Library while she finishes a Masters in Library Science at Clarion University.

In her seven years at CRA, Melissa was instrumental in helping CRA and the computing community increase its influence on Capitol Hill and in the Administration. In particular, Melissa led CRA's robotics and CS education policy efforts, in addition to being the organizing force behind CRA's successful congressional visits' days and Congressional Fall Fly-in events.

While she will be sorely missed by her friends and colleagues at CRA and in the science advocacy community, we wish all the best for her as she embarks on her new career in the library.


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