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Five named to CCC Council

WASHINGTON, DC, February 7, 2009
Contact: Ed Lazowska,

The Computing Research Association, in consultation with the National Science Foundation, today appointed five new members to the Computing Community Consortium governing council to replace members whose terms had ended. The five new members will serve on the council from 2009 through until 2012. They are:

+ Stephanie Forrest, University of New Mexico
+ Chris Johnson, University of Utah
+ Frans Kaashoek, MIT
+ Ran Libesking-Hadas, Harvey Mudd College
+ Robin Murphy, Texas A&M University

In addition, three members with terms expiring in 2009 were asked to accept new terms:

+ Dick Karp, UC Berkeley (term expires 2010)
+ Bob Sproull, Sun Microsystems (term expires 2011)
+ Anita Jones, University of Virginia (term expires 2012)

The appointments will yield a council of 18, with 6 members rotating off the board each year. The key tasks for the council will be to help the CCC catalyze the computing research community to debate long-range research challenges, build consensus around research visions, and develop the most promising visions into clearly defined initiatives.

For more about the new members, including links to individual biographies, see

About CRA: The CRA was established 35 years ago and has members at more than 250 research entities in academia, industry and government. Its mission is to strengthen research and advance education in the computing fields, expand opportunities for women and minorities, and improve public and policymaker understanding of the importance of computing and computing research in society.