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(March 9, 2009)

CCC Council Meeting Agenda


8:30 Breakfast

coffee, juices, danish, and muffins available

8:50 Welcome

Prabhakar Raghavan (Yahoo!)

9:00 Hard Science Problems at the Core of the Web

Prabhakar Raghavan (Yahoo!)

9:30 Social Media: Future or Fad in Supporting Collaboration?

Social Media: Future or Fad in Supporting Collaboration? by John Tang (Microsoft Research)

10:15 Break

10: 30 Networking (briefings + "integrated discussion")

Open Programmable Mobile Internet 2020 briefing by Nick McKeown (10 mins)
GPO briefing by Chip Elliot (10 mins)
NetSE briefing by Ellen Zegura (by phone, 15 mins)
lots o' discussion

12: 00 Lunch

12: 45 Computing the Future of Biology & Biotechnology

Computing the Future of Biology & Biotechnology by Drew Endy (Stanford)

1:30 CCC matters

Strategic Plan by Ed Lazowska
Self-Assesment Material
Educational Activities (K-12)?
Working With Funding Agencies other than NSF by Bill Feiereisen

5:00 Adjourn