
The Reading List

  1. Robin, S. and E. Cahuzac. 2003. Knocking on academia's doors: an inquiry into the early careers of doctors in life sciences. Labour 17(1): 1-23.
  2. Nerad, M. & J. Cerny. 1999. Postdoctoral patterns, career advancement, and problems. Science 285(5433): 1533-1535.
  3. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering & Institute of Medicine. 2000. Enhancing the postdoctoral experience for scientists and engineers: a guide for postdoctoral scholars, advisers, institutions, funding organizations, and disciplinary societies. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
  4. Bazeley, P. 2003. Defining ‘early career’ in research. Higher Education 45(3): 257–279.
  5. Akerlind, G.S. 2005. Postdoctoral researchers: roles, functions and career prospects. Higher Education Research and Development 24: 21-40.
  6. Thompson, J., G. Akerlind, J. Hooper, and N. Mazur. 2001. Postdoctoral training and employment outcomes. Centre for Educational Development and Academic Methods, Australian National University.
  7. Baucum, A. 2010. The current postdoctoral experience. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
  8. Davis, G. 2005. Doctors without orders. American Scientist 93.
  9. Sanders, G., and D. Abbott. 1991. On the road to tenure. Family Relations 40(1): 106-109.
  10. Fox, M., and P. Stephan. 2001. Careers of young scientists: preferences, prospects and realities by gender and field. Social Studies of Science 31(1): 109-122.
  11. Recotillet, I. 2007. PhD graduates with post-doctoral qualification in the private sector: does it pay off? Labour 21(3): 473-502.
  12. Dawson, N. 2007. Post postdoc: are new scientists prepared for the real world? American Institute of Biological Sciences.
  13. National Center for Education Research. 2009. IES/NCER training programs in education research 2004-2008.
  14. National Postdoctoral Association. NPA position statements & white papers.
  15. Bonetta, L. 2005. Careers beyond the bench. Science 327(5970).
  16. Fonseca-Kelly, Z., D. Operario, D. Finger Jr., and A. Baucum. 2010. The role of postdocs, pis and institutions in training future scientists. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
  17. Mason, M., M. Goulden, and K. Frasch. 2009. Why graduate students reject the fast track. Academe Online 95(1).
  18. Jacobs, H. 2010. Postdockin’ in the free world. EMBO Reports 11(1).
  19. Martinez, E, J. Botos, K. Dohoney, T. Geiman, and S. Kolla. 2007. Falling off the academic bandwagon. EMBO Report 8(11).
  20. Tan, T, & D. Potočnik. 2006. Are you experienced? EMBO Reports 7(10),
  21. Moore, A, & H. Breithaupt. 2001. Where are they now? EMBO Reports 2(1).
  22. Taulbee survey (2009) results. (Search for "post-doc".)
  23. NSB. 2008. Science and Engineering Indicators: Chapter 3, Science and engineering labor force (complete chapter | highlights | postdoc positions).
  24. NSF Survey of Doctorate Recipients. 2008. Postdoc participation of science, engineering, and health doctorate recipients.
  25. Smith-Doerr, L. (2009). Stuck in the middle: Doctoral education ranking and career outcomes for life scientists. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 26(3): 1-13.
  26. Meng, Y., and X. Su. 2009. The impacts of postdoc training on academic research productivity: What are the gender differences? Presented at the Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy.
  27. Meng, Y. 2010. Postdoctoral training, departmental prestige and scientists' research productivity. Journal of Technology Transfer 34(6), doi 10.1007/s10961-009-9133-3.
  28. Hoffer, T., C. Milesi, L. Selfa, K. Grigorian, and D. Foley. 2011. Unemployment among doctoral scientists and engineers remained below the national average in 2008.


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