CRA Letter to President Clinton and Vice President Gore
on the FY 2001 R&D Budget

February 9, 2000

The PresidentThe Vice President
The White HouseThe White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President and Mr. Vice President:

I am writing on behalf of the computing research community to express our gratitude and enthusiasm for the outstanding research and development budget you have offered for Fiscal Year 2001. Your Science and Technology Initiative to expand the Twenty-first Century Research Fund is indeed a historic proposal that would strengthen our national research enterprise and secure its future well into this promising century.

We especially appreciate your continued recognition of the need to expand support for Information Technology R&D. We see first-hand how the federal investment in computing and communications research translates into revolutionary ideas and technologies. It is most satisfying to know that our Nation's leaders are supportive of our efforts to invent the future of information technologies and contribute to economic growth and improved quality of life.

I and my colleagues associated with the Computing Research Association will be working vigorously throughout the year to convey to the Congress the value of expanding the federal investment in research and the merits of enacting your proposals.


Edward Lazowska
CRA Board Chair

cc: The Hon. Neal Lane, Assistant to the
   President for Science and Technology

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