CRA Statement on the Networking and Information
Technology Research and Development Act

The Computing Research Association is pleased to extend its enthusiastic support to the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Act (HR 2086), legislation introduced by Rep. Sensenbrenner and Twenty-five cosponsors to expand the federal investment in long-term basic research in computing and communications. We commend this bipartisan effort to sustain the important federal role in information technology research and put its future on a sound footing.

The bill responds to the findings and recommendations of the PITAC, a congressionally-chartered expert advisory committee, and sets forth a full five-year authorization strategy encompassing a new Networking and Information Technology R&D program as well as the High Performance Computing and Next Generation Internet programs. The research investments authorized in the NITR&D legislation will help expand our economy, stimulate advances in science, and improve the lives of all Americans.

CRA urges all Members of Congress to support this legislation and work toward full funding of the FY 2000 program in the bipartisan tradition that has characterized the Congress's key role in the extraordinarily fruitful partnership among government, universities, and industry in advancing information technology R&D.

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