

Robot Motion Planning Efficiency Analysis and Software Implementation

Student Researchers:


David Urrabazo,
Arie Litovsky,
Yuh J Feng



Sergey Bereg



Univertsity of Texas at Dallas


Project Description: goals and purpose of the project

Motion planning refers to the construction of inputs to a non-linear dynamical system that drives it from an initial state to a specified goal. Motion planning can be difficult due to geometric constraints. It is especially difficult if multiple robots perform motion tasks simultaneously.

Project Specific Goals/Questions

Process used on the project

In the first stage, known algorithms were studied, such as the left hand rule, angle constraint approach, and vertical decomposition. We tested the efficiency and productivity of these algorithms and take it a step further by selecting and modifying known algorithms.

We selected the following algorithms for implementation.


Several motion planning algorithms were implemented and analyzed. Two types of model were considered: arbitrary robot motion and motion on the orthogonal grid.

The algorithms were implemented using Java and the applets are posted on the project website

Detailed description of the methods and the results can viewed at the project website. One of the conclusions is that robots can do motion planning in many scenarios even if their computational capacities are very limited.

Websites Developed and Publications

Web pages developed:
Papers or posters at conferences:

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