Federated Computing Research Conference 1999 transcripts

The following transcripts were taken from taped panel discussions at FCRC 1999.

"Research as a Career" Panel

Anne Condon, U. of Wisconsin, Moderator
Jeanne Ferrante, U.C. San Diego
Barbara Simons, ACM

Junior: "Getting a Job" Panel

Toni Pitassi, U. of Arizona, Moderator
Faith Fich, U. of Toronto
Jennifer Schopf, Northwestern University

Industry and National Lab group: "Models of Industrial and National Lab Research" Panel

Margaret Simmons, NPACI, Moderator
Julia Hirschberg, AT&T Research
Milena Mihail, Georgia Institute of Technology
Mary Zosel, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Senior academic group: "From Associate to Full -- Going Up the Ladder After You've Reached the First Rung" Panel

Francine Berman, UCSD, Moderator
Susan Davidson, U. of Pennsylvania
Barbara Ryder, Rutgers

Industry and National Lab group: "Industry and National Lab Career Options"

Margaret Wright, Bell Labs, Moderator
Lori Freitag, Argonne National Lab
Karin Petersen, Xerox Parc

Senior academic group: "Career Options Beyond Research"

Mary Lou Soffa, U. of Pittsburgh, Moderator
Jeanne Ferrante, UCSD
Teresa Lunt, Xerox PARC

"Networking and Professional Social Interaction Panel"


Susan Eggers, U. of Washington, Moderator
Kathryn S. McKinley, University of Massachusetts
Susan Owicki, InterTrust Technologies Corporation

"Getting Funding" Panel

Caroline Wardle, NSF, Moderator
Frederica Darema, NSF
Dr James C. Cassatt, NIH

Junior: "The Tenure Process" Panel

Mary Jane Irwin, Penn. State University, Moderator
Sheila Castaneda, Clarke College

Industry and National Lab group: "Strategies for Success in Industry and the National Labs" Panel

Joann Ordille, Lucent Technologies, Moderator
Rosemary Chang, SGI
Dona Crawford, Sandia National Laboratory
Laura Haas, IBM Almaden

Senior academic group: "Reinventing Your Research Career" Panel

Leah Jamieson, Purdue University
Maria Klawe, University of British Columbia, Slides

"Time Management, Family, and Quality of Life Issues" Panel

Jan Cuny, U. of Oregon, Moderator
Carla Brodley, Purdue University
Judith Klavans, Columbia University