1999 Federated Computing Research Conference

Workshop Dates: April 30 and May 1,1999

Altlanta, Georgia

* Workshop Summary and Slides


The CRA-W workshops provide researchers at all levels with contacts, and critical information about the culture of and content required for professional research. The "super-mentoring" workshop which was held at FCRC '99 expanded the previous (primarily junior and academic) mentoring workshop target audience to include women involved in research careers at national laboratories and within the industrial sector, as well as senior (post-tenure) women who may be beginning to deal with impediments to further promotion "glass ceiling" issues, etc. The FCRC workshop was organized as a set of panels and social events so that participants and speakers had the opportunity to exchange information, make professional contacts, and help to create a supportive part of the informal professional network that is critical to their success as researchers.


General Chair: Professor Francine Berman, U.C. San Diego
Program Committee: Professor Francine Berman, Chair
Professor Anne Condon, University of Wisconsin, Vice-Chair for Pre-tenure Program
Professor Nancy Leveson, M.I.T. and University of Washington, Vice-Chair for Post-tenure Program
Dr. Joann Ordille, Lucent Technologies, Vice-Chair for Industry and National Lab Program
CRA Liaison/Local Arrangements: Ms. Kimberly Peaks, CRA
Publicity: Ms. Ann Redelfs, National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure


CRA-W committee members have presented workshops on career development, time management, funding sources for research, and other areas of relevance to any young researcher. These workshops have been transcribed, and developed into summaries. The goal of this effort is to serve as a resource for a wider group than were able to attend the workshops.