Project: Research Issues in Web-Based Database Applications
Student Researchers: Phetsamone Bounsong, Tia Chung, Xiaoguang Liang
Advisor: Prof. Bettina Kemme
Institution: McGill University
This project will investigate data management issues in web-based, multi-tier
information systems. Examples of such systems are on-line shopping or stock
trading databases but also scientific information systems that allow researchers
across the world to share data. In such systems, the web-server maintains
the layout information of web pages, the application server contains the
business semantics (e.g. shopping basket) and the database server stores
all important data. In this project we will build an application using such
a multi-tier application based on current web- and Java-based technology.
The application will be from the area of Bioinformatics. Building such an
application will give us helpful insights into how and where the data is
best managed in such a system, and how well such systems perform. We would
then like to look into one or two issues in more detail, e.g., fault-tolerance
(what happens when components of the system fail) or load-distribution.