Project: Women in Science CD-ROM
Student Researchers: Megan Crotty, Lisa Trujillo
Advisor: Dr. Pauline K. Cushman
Institution: Madison University

For this research project the students are creating a CD-ROM containing information and activities about historical women in the sciences and in computing. The Women's Studies Program of JMU has a seminar that teaches students about the history of women in science and mathematics. This CD-ROM will provide resources for the class in the future, becoming A supplementary addition to regular handouts or lecture notes. The three categories that are covered are Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Health Sciences. The natural science section contains information on women in biology, chemistry, computer science/engineering, and physics/astronomy. The social sciences includes women in anthropology, economy, political science, sociology, psychology, and geography. The health science section includes women in medicine, nutrition, nursing, and reproductive health and sexuality.