Project: Computer Guides in Collaborative Learning Environments
Student Researchers: Julia Breban, Robin Horowitz, Chana Sandberg
Advisor: Lori L. Scarlatos
Institution: Brooklyn College

This project continues an exploration of new ways to enhance education using an approach that we call Tangible Interfaces for Collaborative Learning Environments (TICLE). With tangible interfaces – physical objects that provide input to a computer system -- a computer can "watch" children play with a puzzle and offer help at appropriate times. Thus instead of making the computer a central part of the educational experience, this system acts as a "guide on the side" that students may either turn to for occasional help or ignore completely.

Two primary tasks will be undertaken for this effort. First we will conduct and analyze usability tests in an effort to determine how a computer can best be made to act as a "guide on the side". Second, we will develop a system for specifying puzzle states and related hints, enabling non-programmers to build their own physical puzzles with tangible interfaces.