Project: A Distance Learning Digital Logic Course using CORBA
Student Researchers: Wendy Sweatt, Rosi Kansakar, Xiao Fang Chen, Donna Fork
Advisor: Dr. Letha Etzkorn, Dr. Rhonda Gaede
Institution: University of Alabama in Huntsville

The project consists of developing a Digital Logic course to be taught via distance learning. The intention is for this course to eventually be taught over the Internet. Lectures in this course will consist of a series of web pages. Various interactive and downloadable items will be communicated by the use of a CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) interface. The ORBacus ORB for Java will be employed in a client, and the TAO ORB for C++ will be employed as a CORBA server. Multiple operating systems (including Linux, Windows NT, and Solaris) will be addressed. Four
undergraduate women will work on this project, two computer science majors and two computer engineering majors.