Project: Error Correcting Codes from Finite Field Valued Wavelet Transforms
Student Researchers: Kathy Bartley, Jen-Yu Chen
Advisors: Dr. Beryl Hoffman, Dr. Vanessa Job
Institution: Marymount University

This project will investigate deriving error-correcting codes from finite field valued wavelet transforms. Wavelet transforms are complex or real functions, often used to analyze digitized or binary data. Wavelet transforms over finite fields (e.g. binary fields) have not been extensively studied, though they may be more useful for binary data than traditional wavelet transforms. One very important application of finite fields is coding theory, the study of error-correcting codes, i.e. efficient means by which digital information can be encoded or encrypted so that it can be reliably transmitted through a noisy channel. The results of this project will shed light on the applicability of finite field valued wavelets to compression and encryption problems. We will use client-server parallel programming to test the error-correcting properties of the codes that we generate.