Project: A Java System to Administer Web-based Quizzes
Student Researchers: Lerie R. Herrera, Pamela J. Kunes, Laura Leigh Norton
Advisors: Thomas L. Naps
Institution: Lawrence Univeristy

The primary focus of the project will be the development of a Java-based system to administer quizzes over the Web. Such a system, in addition to providing the participants with an opportunity to enhance the Java Internet programming skills they have already learned in our software engineering course, will provide a useful pedagogical tool for faculty at Lawrence and other schools. The components of this system will include (1) a database of quiz questions and correct answers; (2) a database of student quiz scores and student responses to individual questions on quizzes; (3) a Java applet used by authorized quiz takers to connect to the database of quiz questions, administer the quiz to the user, and record the results of the quiz in the student database; (4) a Java question editor applet that will allow authorized instructors to develop quiz questions, connect to the server, and store the questions in the quiz database; (5) a Java class roster maintenance applet that will allow authorized instructors to enter and edit individual student information in the database; (6) a Java applet that will allow authorized instructors to connect to the database and check the
results of students on quizzes.

All of the software in the system will be Java-based, using Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to allow Java applets and applications to access the server-side databases. No CGI scripting will be used, hence making the system highly portable.