Ann Redelfs
Careers Booklet

Initially published in 1996, "Women in Computer Science" has been one of CRA-W’s more popular publications. Written for high school and early undergraduate students, this publication profiles the life stories of 18 successful women in CSE. The women range from a student to independent business owners to highly acclaimed researchers in academia and industry. Biographies include family and/or outside activities of the women as well as employment responsibilities and interests.

Young women may wonder about competition in science, mathematics, and engineering classes, or about being in classes where men might outnumber them. Women featured in the brochure discuss challenges and competition, but they also tell readers that the intellectual stimulation and fun of their chosen field, the variety of exciting jobs they discovered after graduating from college, and the continuing opportunities they see for career advancement made their choices worthwhile.

The 1996 careers booklet, though out of print, is available on the Web: Thanks to the generous support of the ACM’s Special Interest Groups, an updated edition will be reprinted shortly. CRA-W recommends that this publication be distributed to students as part of a presentation or workshop on careers, and encourages presenters to provide feedback on its usefulness.